July 10th, 2020
$9.5M in Emergency Grant Funds Available to West Michigan Small Businesses Starting July 15
Another round of funding for emergency small business relief has become available from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). Over $9.5M in grant funding has been allocated to The Right Place to support eligible West Michigan businesses.

Another round of funding for emergency small business relief has become available from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). Over $9.5M in grant funding has been allocated to The Right Place to support eligible West Michigan businesses.
The Right Place and its regional partners will be responsible for distributing $9,545,455 of these funds to West Michigan businesses in Barry, Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana and Osceola counties.
Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Businesses and nonprofits with 50 or fewer employees, worldwide, located in Michigan who have NOT received a grant under the Michigan Small Business Relief Program (MSBRP).
- Part of an industry or nonprofit that can demonstrate it has been impacted by the COVID-19 emergency.
- Needs working capital to support payroll expenses, rent, mortgage payments, utility expenses or other similar expenses.
- Demonstrates an income loss as result of the COVID-19 emergency as determined by the Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF).
Additionally, at least 30% of the funds awarded under this program will be provided to women-owned, minority-owned or veteran-owned eligible businesses.
Applications for funding will open on July 15, 2020, and all applicants must apply through the MEDC website regardless of past applications submitted.
Contacts by County:
- Barry: Jennifer Heinzman,jennifer@mibarry.com
- Ionia: Travis Alden, AldenT@rightplace.org
- Kent: Brent Case, sbrp2@rightplace.org
- Lake: Jodi Nichols, NicholsJ@rightplace.org
- Mason: Brandy Miller, brandyh@ludington.org
- Mecosta: Jim Sandy, jsandy@mecostacounty.org
- Montcalm: Kathy Jo VanderLaan, VanderLaanK@rightplace.org
- Muskegon: Morgan Carroll, mcarroll@muskegon.org; Jim Edmonson, jedmonson@muskegonareafirst.org
- Newaygo: Julie Burrell, BurrellJ@rightplace.org
- Oceana: Jodi Nichols, NicholsJ@rightplace.org
- Osceola: Dan Massy, dmassy@osceolacountymi.com
- Ottawa & Allegan: Lakeshore Advantage, info@lakeshoreadvantage.com