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Go Further Together: Local partnerships & technology adoption
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Go Further Together: Local partnerships & technology adoption

How software developers from two local companies worked together to create embedded software for a device, building up to a trusted partnership, and helping to create a stronger tech community in our region

West Michigan’s tech ecosystem is growing through co-opetition
Co opetition Blog Post Header

West Michigan’s tech ecosystem is growing through co-opetition

“Co-opetition” — cooperating with a competitor to achieve a common goal or get ahead — has been gaining traction for the last three decades.

Tapping Into the Remote Workforce: Building the Next Great Technology Hub of the Midwest
Remote Work Blog Post Image

Tapping Into the Remote Workforce: Building the Next Great Technology Hub of the Midwest

What is being done to lay the foundation for remote work here in our region? We have a unique opportunity to tap into this new wave of remote work to help establish Greater Grand Rapids as the next top technology hub in the Midwest.

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Media Contact: Andria Romkema